Well, little Engleberta had the hiccups last night. What a bizarre feeling!
I've been told that she's going to have a lot of hair due to the fact that I have had a lot of heartburn. We'll see how accurate that old wives tale really is in April. :)
She is also looking forward to our staff Christmas luncheon this afternoon. It starts at 1:00, and I've had some clementines to tide me over until real lunch. Usually I eat around 11:30, and this wait is a LONG TIME!
We're also doing a gift exchange, and I brought the DVD of "A Christmas Story." I thought that would be a fun gift for a party.
For those wondering, I'm finally feeling back to normal. We were supposed to do "Christmas" with the Hambletons on Saturday, but since myself, mom and dad were sick, we postponed. Josh and Rachel are hosting tonight at their place in Lawrence. The forecast calls for snow, hopefully we avoid it until traveling is done.
If I don't get a chance for another update, Merry Christmas!!!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Baby Bump!
I haven't done the best at posting m(any) bump pictures. Here's one taken this past Friday, 23.5 weeks pregnant. :-)

Today I'm waiting to hear back from the doctor if I can take mucinex while PG. I've got Something...hopefully just a cold. I haven't run a fever, but I do have the muscle soreness, nasal stuff, and sore throat. Stayed home from school today, which is why I have time to do an update. Headed back to bed soon.
I hope everyone stays healthy for Christmas!
Friday, November 25, 2011
What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
Rob and I are in agreement: our baby girl's name will be a secret until it is on the birth certificate! However, we have already spent a nice chunk of the morning exploring baby names.
We have discovered that B and H names are out, due to initial issues. Who would want initials BO or HO??? Which is sad, some German names we liked were Brynn and Heidi. I suppose they could be options for middle names. And Engelberta* Overton has a nice ring to it, plus part of Robbie's name!
*any "G" sound in german is a hard G, like glory, unlike german.
We have discovered that B and H names are out, due to initial issues. Who would want initials BO or HO??? Which is sad, some German names we liked were Brynn and Heidi. I suppose they could be options for middle names. And Engelberta* Overton has a nice ring to it, plus part of Robbie's name!
*any "G" sound in german is a hard G, like glory, unlike german.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Gender Reveal!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
100 Days Ago...
I found out I was pregnant! It seems like so long ago, and yet the due date seems so far away. I'm almost to the half-way point, and nothing on my to-do list is done. Ha! Looks like we have some work to do in the next 20 weeks.
An interesting thought: what to wear during labor? I haven't really done much thinking about it, but found this LABOR GOWN that seems super cute! I'm hoping to do a NUCB, and have a doula lined up. Yay for extra labor support! Now for some sleep...
An interesting thought: what to wear during labor? I haven't really done much thinking about it, but found this LABOR GOWN that seems super cute! I'm hoping to do a NUCB, and have a doula lined up. Yay for extra labor support! Now for some sleep...
Monday, November 7, 2011
Mein Wunderbar Mann!
I really do have the best husband. Ever. Rob: I appreciate your willingness to help me in the kitchen when I'm stressed, and getting the laundry going, and taking care of the lawn and gutters, and cuddling with the cats. I love that we can watch football together. Thanks for supporting me through my mood swings, and for telling me I'm beautiful (the reinforcement is always nice!). Thanks for being a Man of God and the Spiritual Leader of our household, and praying with me and for me. I love your willingness to serve the kids and youth at LBC.
I think you're going to make a great dad for our kids, and I'm excited to raise them up in the Lord with you!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Movement FELT!!!
After I posted last night, I went to bed. I was laying down, and totally felt KB move!!!! I'm pretty sure I fell asleep smiling. :-)
I just had a kitkat, and KB is going crazy! I'm so glad I know what he/she feels like now. I can't wait until KB is a little bigger, then Rob can feel, too!
I just had a kitkat, and KB is going crazy! I'm so glad I know what he/she feels like now. I can't wait until KB is a little bigger, then Rob can feel, too!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Our KB is a little mover!
We had our anatomy ultra sound today, and KB is looking really good! He/She is a little mover. Waving, and kicking, and flipping around. I'm bummed I still haven't FELT KB move yet, but the sono technician says my placenta is in the front and that probably prevents me from feeling KB quite yet. Heart beat was 130 bpm, and the heart has four chambers (good!). Umbilical cord has 3 veins (good!). Brain looks good, lip looks good, spine looks good, kidneys and bladder look good. She was also able to tell KB's gender! it is stapled 12 times in an envelope. That paper will go to the bakery soon. We'll be doing a gender reveal cake-cutting at Thanksgiving with both sides of the family. :)
I was completely amazed at our ultrasound. God is good!
I was completely amazed at our ultrasound. God is good!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Still waiting...
I hit fifteen weeks on Monday, and I'm still waiting for the energy to come back. Put in a 12 hour school day yesterday, am EXHAUSTED and didn't make it to choir. Therefore, I have time for an update!
I was hoping to upload an mp3 of KB's heartbeat, but I don't know if I can actually do that. We recorded the doppler u/s last week using my handy smartphone. KB had a heartrate of 160 bpm! My doctor says, "maybe a girl. But don't paint the nursery yet!"
Paint the nursery....I'm starting to feel slightly overwhelmed at the lack of planning I have done. Everything seems to be "on hold" until we find out if we're having a boy or a girl. I'm REALLY hoping we can get some new flooring in before baby arrives.
Last week I took some students to the Kauffman Center for the KC Symphony Young People's concert. We had such a nice time, and my group were VERY good audience members! Some of their comments from the day:

Obviously I uploaded pictures. I'm proud of my kids. What a fun bunch of 4th and 5th graders!!!
I was hoping to upload an mp3 of KB's heartbeat, but I don't know if I can actually do that. We recorded the doppler u/s last week using my handy smartphone. KB had a heartrate of 160 bpm! My doctor says, "maybe a girl. But don't paint the nursery yet!"
Paint the nursery....I'm starting to feel slightly overwhelmed at the lack of planning I have done. Everything seems to be "on hold" until we find out if we're having a boy or a girl. I'm REALLY hoping we can get some new flooring in before baby arrives.
Last week I took some students to the Kauffman Center for the KC Symphony Young People's concert. We had such a nice time, and my group were VERY good audience members! Some of their comments from the day:
"That was an awesome concert and the music was awesome!"

"I didn't know we'd get to see and hear other instruments. That was cool!"

"It was so good I sat still the whole time." (a small miracle in and of itself, considering he was far away from me.)

"I can't believe not everyone dressed up. I think we looked gooood." (and it's true, a teacher told me my kids looked beautiful as she was leading kids from the earlier showing!)

"That was just beautiful music."

"I can't believe we got to see professional music players!"
"I didn't know we'd get to see and hear other instruments. That was cool!"
"It was so good I sat still the whole time." (a small miracle in and of itself, considering he was far away from me.)
"I can't believe not everyone dressed up. I think we looked gooood." (and it's true, a teacher told me my kids looked beautiful as she was leading kids from the earlier showing!)
"That was just beautiful music."
"I can't believe we got to see professional music players!"
Obviously I uploaded pictures. I'm proud of my kids. What a fun bunch of 4th and 5th graders!!!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Round Two!

I'm fourteen weeks pregnant today, so the second trimester is here!! I don't know if I'll do this every week, but I get updates from babycenter on Kleine Bohn's development.This is a picture of what our LO might look like in the womb!
The second trimester, I'm told, is the best because you're energy comes back, you're not sick anymore, and you're not huge yet. I'm very excited to (hopefully) get some energy back. Two prenatal workout DVDs arrived in the mail this weekend. I was planning on doing some yoga this morning, but opted for sleep. I think I'll have time between work and Bible study to do a 20 minute session.
I DID tackle our bathroom (finally!). I was able to focus enough energy to thoroughly clean the shower and sink area. I saturated a cloth with white vinegar and wiped out the soap scum on the new glass shower door! Unfortunately, not much cleaning has been done since August. Props to Rob for sweeping and vacuuming every so often!
Hosting a baby shower for my dear friend, Michelle, Saturday morning, and then a birthday dinner for Mom Saturday night. Thursday and Friday evenings are reserved for cleaning and food prep!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Flitter Flutter Butterfly
Rob was called into the office this morning at 6am. I had a hard time falling back to asleep and then...I think I felt the baby move! I was on my left side, and if you've ever paid attention to your body, stuff moves around in your abdomen quite often. Well, this movement was just different. I'm sure we'll find out later if I REALLY felt the baby. I'm told FTM (first time moms) don't really recognize the movement this early. The second time around is when you can distinguish between gas (ew!) and baby's flutters.
This is me and Rob along Lake Superior in Duluth, MN. I am holding a 6month NSIM onesie. I posted the picture on facebook yesterday and have received so many wonderful congratulatory responses! What lovely friends I have. We are very excited about our new journey!!!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
The beginning
Welcome to Kleine Bohn! The purpose of our blog is to document the growth of our "little bean." Our kleine Bohn is due to make his/her arrival at the beginning of April.
I'll be 13 weeks pregnant on Monday, very close to the end of the first trimester. Rob has been a super star husband during this time. We are looking forward to making the transition from newlyweds (if you can call us that!) to parents.
More to come, please let me know if I ever post anything that is TMI.
PS This is my first ever attempt at blogging, we'll see how it goes. :)
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