Sunday, January 20, 2013

Selah's Dad is just amazing

Rob has been such a great husband/dad today.  Not that he's not great everyday! But I have a minute to rave about today. :)

After lunch, he assembled a new coat rack.  Folded the laundry AND put it away.  Went to the grocery store.  Took care of Selah while I napped (I slept for almost 2 hours!).  And now he's calming Selah down for bedtime, while I eat dinner and watch the AFC championship game.

I love hearing him sing to Selah over the monitor.  It's so great how she responds to his singing.  He took her up when she was screaming (Bad mommy misreading her tired cues) and when I went to turn on the monitor, Rob was singing and she had stopped crying.  Warms my heart!

So very, very thankful that God blessed me with such an amazing and compassionate man.
Selah and Papa preparing the bath water-January 2013
Playing the Concertina for Great Aunt Wilda-December 2012
Sleeping in Papa's arms after Removal of the Greens-January 2013